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WKF develops Karate as sustainable sport

WKF develops Karate as sustainable sport

WKF develops Karate as sustainable sport




WKF develops Karate as sustainable sport

The World Karate Federation is launching the #GreenKarate project, a ground-breaking initiative to put Karate at the forefront of sustainability in sport.

Following the recommendations of the IOC’s Olympic Agenda 2020+5, and in its efforts to foster a more sustainable world, the WKF has created a pioneering project to make Karate a fully environmentally friendly sport

In cooperation with the WKF’s main partners, the #GreenKarate project is designed to promote the production and widespread use of sustainable Karate equipment. Through this initiative, the WKF and its partners pledge to produce Karate gear fabricated with at least 70% of recycled materials.


Adidas is the first WKF-Approved Brand to join the #GreenKarate initiative.

Through this project, Adidas has created the first sustainable Karate-Gi. The “WKF – Primegreen” Karate-Gi is one of the most advanced karate gears in the market as it is made of 100% recycled materials.

After its approval from the WKF, the new Adidas Kumite Karate-Gi has received the “WKF-Approved Green Karate” label.


The WKF is confident that the rest of the “WKF-Approved” Brands will join the project in the coming weeks. The “WKF-Approved Green Karate” label and its certification of sustainable products will not only be applied to Karate-Gis but also Karate protections and tatamis.

Moreover, the #GreenKarate project is highly far-reaching as it includes the implementation of sustainability factors in WKF sport events through the elimination or reduction of the environmental footprint of these events.

WKF President Antonio Espinós said:

“The WKF is fully committed to positioning Karate as one of the leading disciplines in sustainability within the whole global sports community. As a sport that combines tradition and innovation like no other, Karate is launching the #GreenKarate project to become a champion in global social issues and the protection of the environment.

WKF-Approved Green Karate label to be inserted in recognised sustainable karate-gis





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